Dec 19, 2019

European Respiratory Society Congress:
Pr K.Janeczek’s (Department of Children’s Lung Diseases and Rheumatology in Lublin, Poland) presentation « the effect of polyvalent mechanical bacterial lysate on the reduction of nasal Staphylococcus aureus carriage in children with pollen allergic rhinitis» created a lot of interest and positive impact on polyvalent mechanical bacterial lysate during the European Respiratory Society Congress (ERS) on October 1st 2019, in Madrid, Spain. This topic of bacterial lysates in allergic rhinitis becomes an important subject of interest for clinical research.
Here is the poster of Pr K.P.Janeczek presented during the congress:
Italian Society of General Medicine (SIMG) Congress:
The 36th Italian Society of General Medicine congress (SIMG) was taking place in Florence, Italy from November 28th to 30th 2019. This is the main medical congress in Italy for General practitioners. The ambitious theme of 2019 year is “Projects and tools for the General Medicine of the future”.
In the frame of this congress, Pr Giovanni Di Perri (Professor of Infectious diseases, University of Turin, Italy) gave a lecture on November 28th 2019 during the session “Management of respiratory infections” titled “Respiratory infections: can we prevent them? How? The lecture will be moderated by Pr Guido Ferlazzo (Professor of General Immunology and Pathology, University of Messina, Italy).
Pr G. Di Perri emphasized on the needs to prevent respiratory infections at all age level, in order to reduce the antibiotic usage during acute episodes. Prophylactic measures such as flu and pneumococcal vaccines have demonstrated efficient protection, as example, 75% of elderly are protected from invasive pneumococcal disease while receiving adequate conjugate pneumococcal vaccination.
Lallemand Pharma was proud to sponsor the event on November 28th to support scientific knowledge within general practitioners community about respiratory infections, and antibiotic resistance spread. It is a fact that doctors during their medical practice to manage respiratory infections are struggling with the need to rationalize the use of antibiotics, despite their responsibility to deliver efficient therapeutic answer to their patients. Prophylactic measures in respiratory infections have thus their legitimate place in this program of General Medicine of the Future: Management of respiratory infections.
The issue number 5/2019 of the Scientific Journal of SIMG was released during the Congress, with the article “Gestione delle infezioni respiratorie nell’era dell’antibiotico-resistenza”, of Pr Guido Ferlazzo and Pr Giovanni Di Perri”.
This scientific article will be accompanied by video interview with the 2 Authors that will be accessible with QR code on the site below: